The number of the Warmline is 937-423-6320. Depending on the caller's location and phone service, long distance charges may apply. Warmline operators will be available Mondays 9AM to Noon, Tuesdays 1PM to 4PM, and Thursdays 4Pm to 7PM. If persons call the warmline outside the established hours, they can leave a voicemail with a callback number. The warmline will not be staffed on holidays.
There is no charge for the warmline service, and only general demographic information will be collected to maintain confidentiality.
"With the holidays approaching and the COVID-19 numbers soaring, we are concerned about people feeling stressed and isolated from family and friends. We are especially concerned about our frontline workers — healthcare workers, first responders, grocery and retail, pharmacy, and other essential workers — facing extraordinary stress as a result of the coronavirus pandemic and the holiday season," said Terri Becker, Executive Director of the Tri-County Board.
"We are working with our mental health and substance use treatment providers to find ways to help those most in need," Becker said. "A warmline is a service we are able to stand up when needed to provide someone to talk to about coping strategies, and when indicated, be referred to professional counseling."
A warmline is a telephone service where concerned people can talk to a trained operator about matters that do not rise to the level of a crisis. Persons in crisis should call the 24/7 Tri-County Crisis Hotline toll-free at 800-351-7347. The Crisis Hotline is also operated by RWC under contract with the Tri-County Board.