The theme of Mental Health Awareness Month 2023 as established by Mental Health America is "Look Around, Look Within," emphasizing the importance of our environment to mental health, and reminding us to be mindful of how our surroundings are affecting our mood.
In addition to numerous health and information fairs in May and continuing throughout the summer, the Tri-County Board has partnered with Miami County Court of Common Pleas Judge Stacy Wall to set up a display at the Miami County Safety Building to recognize the Mental Health Court specialty docket.
Tri-County Board staff are also delivering packets of mental health-related books to public libraries in all three counties, and are delivering packets of pens and information to restaurants with table service wait staffs. "Food service and hospitality work can be stressful, and servers may encounter persons struggling with mental health or substance use concerns, so we wanted to support them in some way," said Brad Reed, Tri-County Board Director of Community Engagement, "and servers always need pens!"
The pens feature the Tri-County Crisis Hotline number 800-351-7347, and the national Crisis Text Line 741741. The packets also include cards with the Hotline and Text Line numbers plus the web address for a comprehensive directory of local resources, The pens, cards and the pouches they are packaged in were paid for with grant funds from the Ohio Association of County Behavioral Health Authorities to promote the use of the Crisis Text Line.