Sequential Intercept Mapping
Shelby County, December 2014
The links below are resources for further understanding.
Adults with Behavioral Health Needs Under Correctional Supervision: A Shared Framework for Reducing Recidivism and Promoting Recovery
Fred Osher, MD; David A. D’Amora, MS; Martha Plotkin, JD; Nicole Jarrett, PhD; Alexa Eggleston, JD Council of State Governments Justice Center, Criminal Justice/Mental Health Consensus Project 2012 82 pages
A Best Practice Approach to Community Re-entry from Jails for Inmates with Co-occurring Disorders: The APIC Model
Fred Osher, M.D., Henry J. Steadman, Ph.D., Heather Barr, J.D., M.A. Published by the National GAINS Center Funded by the Center for Mental Health Services and the Center for Substance Abuse Treatment September 2002 24 pages
Improving Responses to People with Mental Illnesses: Tailoring Law Enforcement Initiatives to Individual Jurisdictions
A report prepared by the Council of State Governments Justice Center and the Police Executive Research Forum for the Bureau of Justice Assistance, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice Melissa Reuland, Laura Draper, Blake Norton 68 pages
Law Enforcement Responses to People with Mental Illnesses: A Guide to Research-Informed Policy and Practice
Melissa Reuland, Matthew Schwarzfeld, Laura Draper Council of State Governments Justice Center, New York, New York 2009 36 pages
Recovery Housing in the State of Ohio: Findings and Recommendations from an Environmental Scan
Kristen Paquette, Neil Greene, Lisa Sepahi, Katherine Thom, Laura Winn The Ohio Council of Behavioral Health & Family Services Providers Center for Social Innovation June 2013 114 pages
Self-Advocacy and Empowerment Toolkit For Individuals Currently Involved with the Justice System
Policy Research Associates, Inc. 2012 20 pages
Promising Practices Guide: Supporting the Recovery of Justice-Involved Consumers
Policy Research Associates, Inc. 2012 18 pages
Supportive Housing for Returning Prisoners: Outcomes and Impacts of the Returning Home-Ohio Pilot Project
Jocelyn Fontaine, Douglas Gilchrist-Scott, John Roman, Samuel Taxy, Caterina Roman The Urban Institute August 2012 62 pages
Whitepapers and Articles
Dispelling the Myths about Information Sharing Between the Mental Health and Criminal Justice Systems
John Petrila, JD, LLM The CMHS National GAINS Center for Systemic Change for Justice-Involved People with Mental Illness February, 2007 4 pages |
Illness Management and Recovery in Criminal Justice
Kim Mueser, PhD and Sally MacKain, PhD CMHS National GAINS Center May 2006 Updated August 2008 2 pages |
Integrating Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services for Justice-Involved Persons with Co-Occurring Disorders
Fred C. Osher, MD The National GAINS Center for Systemic Change for Justice-Involved People with Mental Illness May, 2006 2 pages |
Moving Toward Evidence-Based Housing Programs for Persons with Mental Illness in Contact with the Justice System
Caterina Gouvis Roman The CMHS National GAINS Center May 2006, Updated May 2009 3 pages |
Responding to the Needs of Justice-Involved Combat Veterans with Service-Related Trauma and Mental Health Conditions
A Consensus Report of the CMHS National GAINS Center’s Forum on Combat Veterans, Trauma, and the Justice System August 2008 8 pages |
Supported employment
William Anthony, PhD The National GAINS Center for Systemic Change for Justice-Involved People with Mental Illness May, 2006 2 pages |