The CIT Academy is a nationally recognized program that teaches law enforcement safe and effective approaches to handling crisis incidents involving a mentally ill individual. The intensive 4-day training is conducted under the instructional supervision of local CIT-trained police officers, mental health professionals, consumers, and family advocates and will offer practical techniques for de-escalating crisis situations.
The 2015 Academy is the 10th annual class led by the Tri-County Board of Recovery and Mental Health Services. Through 2014, more than 170 law enforcement officers and professional staff in the Tri-County area have graduated from the CIT Academy. Class enrollment is capped at 20.
Companion courses to CIT are presented periodically for specialized audiences whose positions may put them at the intersection of the criminal justice and behavioral health systems. Registration is currently under way for one-day companion courses for Shelby County court, probation and parole personnel, and for emergency dispatchers. Both of those courses are in March, and have limited and specific audiences.
Other companion courses may be one-, two-, or three-day courses for behavioral health professionals to gain a better understanding of the law enforcement perspective, for teachers, or for other specialty audiences. The Tri-County Board makes the training available at no cost to the organizations. The free training is made possible with funds from the Tri-County Mental Health Levy, and by grants from NAMI Ohio.
For more information about the CIT Academy or Companion Courses, contact Brad Reed, Director of Community Resource Development, by email at [email protected], or by phone at 937-335-7727 ext 209. Information about the CIT Academy and Companion Courses can be found on the Tri-County Board's website, www.tcbmds.org, under the Community tab.