Nar-Anon is formed and run by its members and understands the frustration and chaos that comes with the disease of addiction. The group is designed to offer coping strategies, as well as fellowship, using a 12-step program format.
Robin Heintz, Programming Chair for the Piqua Public Library, encourages anyone interested to attend. “It may be difficult to walk in the door of your first meeting, but please don’t be afraid – the group is your group – here to share strength and hope for better days ahead. This is not a place of judgment. You are welcome here.”
Heintz also says, “With the increase in heroin use in the area, we clearly see there is a need for this type of meeting in our community. Drug addiction is a disease that impacts so many local families – we knew it was time for the library to invite this group in to help.”
One of Nar-Anon’s guiding principles is respecting the anonymity of its members. What is shared in a meeting is shared in confidence. The group meets every Thursday evening at 7PM, in the Piqua Public Library’s Louis Program Room. There are no dues or fees, and any donations to Nar-Anon for literature or other expenses are completely optional.