Invisible Injuries: Domestic Violence, Traumatic Brain Injury and Strangulation
Invisible Injuries: Domestic Violence, Traumatic Brain Injury and Strangulation |
The iconic image of a domestic violence victim is a black eye and facial bruises. For decades we have known that abusers target a victim's head, neck and face--more often than any other part of the body. But we have just recently begun to realize the impact is much deeper and can affect how the brain works--now and even days, months and years later. Come to this session to learn more about these Invisible Injuries and resources to support you in connecting with survivors while identifying, acknowledging, and responding to their unique needs by accommodating them in your relationships and services with survivors.
Presenter Rachel Ramirez has been with the Ohio Domestic Violence Network for twelve years and is currently the Training Director. Rachel oversees ODVN training initiatives and directs the implementation of a three year national demonstration research and practice grant focusing on developing best practices for domestic violence programs on working with survivors who experience mental health challenges, traumatic brain injury, and strangulation. Prior to this, she led a multi-year statewide program on trauma-informed approaches and co-authored Trauma-Informed Approaches: Promising Practices and Protocols for Ohio’s Domestic Violence Programs. Rachel has over fourteen years of experience in domestic violence direct service provision, program planning and coordination, project management, resource development, research, training, and program support. She is a bilingual licensed independent social worker with graduate degrees in Latin American studies and social work and is a registered advocate with senior standing in Ohio. Three (3) hours of CEUs are available for counselors, social workers and marriage and family therapists. This training is offered at no charge. A voluntary donation to the Ohio Domestic Violence Network is suggested. Each attendee must be registered individually. FREE Attendance limited to 40 per session - registration required. Please note that attendees must arrive on time and attend the entire training to receive CEUs. |